MOA Club: where passion for wine meets female friendship


MOA Club: wine club for ladies was created to give ambitious, style-conscious women a chance to meet and connect, in the company of carefully selected glass of wine.

Created at the beginning of 2020 in Milan, Italy. Sooner after its founding, global pandemic forced lockdowns in Europe. Nevertheless, MOA Club, thanks to the continuous contact with our members via webinars.

Today, we are organizing our events in Milan, Italy as well as other Italian and European towns.

At MOA Club, we believe that wine-making is an expression of art de vivre; we also know that learning more about wine can be intimidating (or even embarassing) - this is why we wanted to create safe environment in which all women can enjoy a glass of wine, with answers to all the questions they have.

At MOA Club, there are no stupid questions or knowledge that you need to have to attend our meetings. We are women from all paths of life, at different stages of careers - all of use curious and eager to learn!